Sunday, 10 July 2011


  1. How old are you? (Please circle)
10-12                     13-15                     16-18                     18+

  1. What is your sex? (Please circle)
Male                                                      Female

3.   What words/phrases do you associate with the “indie” genre? (pick 3)
Male dominated
Recycled 80s
New style

  1. Why do you listen to indie music?

        Because it’s cool              That’s what everyone my age listens to               

        It’s the type of music that appeals to me                  Other___________________________

  1. How often do watch indie music videos? (pick 1)
Once a day
Once a week
Hardly ever

  1. How did you get introduced to the indie genre? (pick 1)
Word of mouth
New artist

7.  How often do you listen to/watch music videos?
Everyday                   Often                    Sometimes                  Rarely                     Never

8.  How do you access music videos?
Youtube                 TV Channels                Itunes              Other

9. How often do you listen to indie rock?
Everyday                   Often                    Sometimes                  Rarely                     Never

10. Do you prefer bands or artists?
Bands                      Solo Artists                    Both 

11.  Do you like to see the band and be able to recognise who they are in the music video?
Yes                      No­­­­­

12.  What attributes of indie rock most draws you to the genre?
The music                the artists/band               the association that comes with indie          
The sense of freedom                 that it’s something different and outside the charts                 
Other ___________________________________

13. What colours do you associate with indie rock?
Dark (reds/blacks/browns)                Pastel (pale greens/yellows)                 Bright colours
Natural colours                      Fluorescent colours
14) What type of clothing do you associate with indie rock?
Casual/everyday                  Latest fashion trends                  Quirky outfits                   Other

15.  In indie rock music videos what do you prefer?
A storyline                    To follow a journey                   To see only the band                    
To not see the band at all                   Other­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________

16.  How do you view indie rock?
Something broadly popular                Something specific to individuals                      Easy listening
Boring                         Other ­­­­­__________________________________

17. What do you like to feature on an indie rock CD cover?
The band/ artist                        A montage of images (collage)                  
Something which doesn’t relate to the music or band             Models
Unusual props(musical instruments, flowers, photographs, televisions etc)                
Other ________________________________________

18. What would you like to feature on an indie rock music poster?
The band/ artist                        The CD cover                     A montage of images (collage)                  
Something which doesn’t relate to the music or band             Models                
Unusual props (musical instruments, flowers, photographs, televisions etc)
Other _________________________________________

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