Sunday, 10 July 2011

Questionnaire Analysis

Question 1

The majority of the people who we answered the questionnaire were aged 16-18. This could suggest that the indie genre may be classed as a young genre because it appeals to a younger demographic.
Question 2

Out of the 18 people that we asked, about ¾ of them were female. This asks as almost a countertype for the indie rock genre. For many years, the indie genre has been very male dominated in regards to the artists/bands and the audience. But nowadays, it seems that the genre is now appealing to females as well as males.
Question 3

The three most popular answers were: original, independent and youth. The fact that these three were the most popular shows that as a genre, these are aspects of it that helps it to appeal to the audience. For example: the fact that some people see the genre as being original, may act as a persuasive device for people who enjoy experiencing new things.
Question 4

The fact the least popular answer was “that’s what everyone my age listens to” is interesting. In reference to the age question, the fact that there were such a large number of people aged 16-18 suggests that that is a popular music genre within this age bracket.
Question 5

The most popular answer was once a week. This shows us that maybe, in order to appeal to the audience; we may have to do something different and unique, so that the audience are almost persuaded to watch the video.
Question 6

The most common way audiences have been introduced to the indie genre is via the internet this shows that the popularity of indie is fairly new as it’s main promotion is through the internet – a ‘new’ invention it also shows that the genre is ever changing as it keeps up with the current media advances. With it’s main features on the internet it is accesible by all and therefore targets a niche audience on a mass scale giving the genre a higher success rate in gaining ‘fans’. The second most popular way of being introduced to indie is through a new artist this implies that the modernity of indie music appeals to a target audience of youth as it relies on new artists becoming more popular.

Question 7

The majority of people either watch music videos every day to often this shows that in today’s youth there is a tendency to watch many music videos and therefore being such a regularity, certain messages and representations will be taken on board and careful considerations have to be taken by producers to what is meant behind videos etc.. This also shows that our music video will have to be instantly recognizable so it stands out form the many that out target audience consume.
Question 8

Most people access music videos via YouTube this shows the audience to be more active in their selection of musical genre as it is not the case that the majority sit in front of a TV and wait for a video to come on the actively seek out indie music videos online. This shows that our audiences are not just mainstream music lovers but search to find something different and may prefer a more interactive style of music. 
Question 9

Most people listen to indie rock between sometimes and often. Considering indie rock is a sub-genre of alternative music it is evident that it does have a wide appeal and is consumed frequently this means that more pressure is added to the genre to stay afloat with the times and deliver and therefore it has to have evolved with different generations however still appeal to those who listened to it in their youth this will evoke reminisces of ‘younger’ years and help gain revenue and popularity.
Question 10

Most people prefer a combination of both band as artists meaning we have an open choice as in which route to go down however second best is having a band as this would allow the audience more than one chance to relate to a character if they didn’t necessarily ‘gel’ with the lead they could look towards other band members for a common thread. Having more than one person in the video also allows for more diversity and gives more opportunities in being creative so this is the route we as a group are likely to make.
Question 11

The answer to this question is quite obvious, that the audience from our audience questionnaire do like to see the band and be able to recognise them in the music video, this could suggest that for our music video we should feature the band because this is what the audience like to see, despite the fact that a few individuals prefer not to see the band, we think it is important for them to see the band members because then they have immediate recognition of the artist.
Question 12

The most popular answer was that attribute of indie rock which tends to draw the audience to the genre is that it is something different and outside of the charts, this means for our music video we shall have to think of an artist which provides something quite original but still maintain the indie genre label. The second most popular answer was the music, this tells us that indie rock music tends to speak for itself and that the music is obviously seen as the most important element.
Question 13

Bright colours appear to associate the most when it comes to indie rock music, meaning that an idea for our coursework is to use such bright colours on our CD cover and music poster because this is seen as easy recognition for the audience. Second most popular was dark colours which include reds and browns etc, this creates quite a contrast and shows us that there is much contrast in the indie rock genre, however it is still recognised as indie rock throughout.
Question 14

The type of clothing which seems to be easily associated with indie rock is casual everyday clothing, this could tell us that in our music video we should dress our artist/band in casual clothing because this is what the audience relate to indie rock and can easily be recognised and understood. The second most popular was quirky outfits, this may be seen as slightly vague because the definition of quirky may be interpreted in different ways, however we see it to mean something which slightly deviates from the norm and stands out in a positive way making someone original, this may be useful for our video because it may cause it to stand out and appeal to a broader audience.
Question 15

The most popular result appears to be the idea of following a journey. This indicates that the audience like to see something that they can follow and therefore captures their attention throughout the whole video. Furthermore the journey used in the video may be more memorable for an audience and makes them feel more included within the video as they are brought along on the journey with the artist/band. A storyline was also very popular which again suggests the audience prefer to watch something that captures their interest throughout and makes them want to watch the video until the end. Not seeing the band at all was an unpopular choice with shows that audience’s recognition of the band/artist is very important within a music video.
Question 16

The main view of indie rock is that it is something specific to individuals. This suggests that indie rock appeals to a more niche audience and is a more unique and specific genre. The fact that a lot of people said it was boring anchors the idea of it appealing to a more niche audience. However the fact that people said it was boring may also suggest that they don’t really understand what indie rock is as the definition of indie is often unclear to many. They may also not realise that the term indie rock also applies to many successful artists in the charts including The Killers, Mumford and Sons and Noah and the Whale.
Question 17

The most popular choice from this question is the band/artist. This shows that it is particularly important to the audience to be able to see and recognise the band/artist. They like to know who they are listening to and are able to get a sense of who they are – also it is much more personal if an audience can make recognition with the band. A montage of images was also a popular idea which suggests that audiences like to see more than one thing going on in order to make an interesting and eye catching CD cover.
Question 18

Like the CD cover the most popular choices for what the audience like to feature on the music poster includes a montage of images and the band/artist. The poster is particularly important as it had to catch the eye of the audience wherever it is e.g. on billboards, music shops etc… Therefore something interesting like a montage of images would be appealing to an audience as it’s something that can capture people’s attention and interest. Also for the audience to be able to see the band/artist could also capture attention because people will be able to recognise bands/artists that they like. And for people that don’t know the band/artist will be able to know what the band looks like.

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