Saturday, 9 July 2011

Kings of Leon - Advert

Kings of Leon – Only By the Night


Mise en Scene

Colour – The main colour is like a dull greenish colour. This gives the impression of them being observed through a camera. The significance of this is that the green may show some optimism that the band has. Its also important in regards to the release of the bands album that they are hopeful and positive.

Position –The positioning of the people is significant. The screen is split into four quarters and there are four members in the band, however each quarter is fitted together unevenly with different parts of faces. The significance of this could be that the band are one but still maintain their individual selves. But brought together this is how they represent themselves together yet still individual. Individuality seems important to bands, as the members don’t want to lose their identity solely to the band and just become, ‘the drummer’ for example.

Costume – Their hairstyles are not necessarily what is in fashion or considered fashionable. They are more rugged and unpolished like the genre of indie; it hasn’t been meddled with by the glamour and coated in sparkles and glitter.


Font – The font is square shaped and very simple. The band haven’t made text their priority and kept the advert more image orientated. This adds simplicity to the advert and makes it more nonchalant in its approach, which is something associated with the indie genre.

Colour – The colours of font used are white, which anchors the simplicity and stands out against the dark background. The white includes important things like the release date that are essential eye catchers to bring the release date into their minds. Also yellow which could represent the bands optimism in regards to their album, yet the yellow information is less important therefore the yellow dulls it.


The genre is clearly communicated by the elements. It is mainly done by the emphasis on individuality and being different like the genre of indie music. The music/band makes a statement by its central and only image within the advert being quirky and different which again is a common aspect of the indie genre.

Target Audience

The target audience isn’t clear, as it’s a very open advert. The lack of props etc… mean that you cannot make a accurate idea of who the target audience is as there isn’t really anything you can associate with a particular group. This works well for the indie genre because it’s supposed to be a widely accessible genre to anyone.

Mode of Address

The eyes in the image are looking directly at the audience and speak to them directly. The effect of this means that the audience are much more included within the advert and the unusual eyes mean that the attention is drawn to the eyes. The mood/tone of the advert is very serious which may suggest that the band are much more serious in their approach to their music. It may also be an indication of their subgenre because Kings of Leon are much more indie/rock than some of the other artists.


The use of Kings suggests an air of importance and superiority to the band. They are artists that we can look up to and suggest that their music has a lot of influence, meaning and power behind it.  “Only by the Night” suggests a darker side to the indie genre, which this band seems to be exploring more fully.


Gender – The band members are all male and by there serious expressions they seem much more rational and domineering. This reinforces one of the stereotypical views of men and the fact that they are called “Kings” of Leon anchors this idea because it simply adds to their air of superiority.


The central image creates an enigma because people will wonder what they all look like individually and will seek to see the band as normal people. The quirky style of it works well within the indie genre and is very typical but the quirky style also creates a lot of questions in regards to the band and their music.

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