Saturday 9 July 2011

Lily Allen - CD Cover

Lily Allen - Alright, Still... front CD CoverLily Allen - Alright, Still... back CD Cover
Lily Allen - Alright, Still... cd CD Cover
Lily Allen - Alright, Still... inlay CD Cover

Lily Allen – Alright, Still…


Mise en Scene

Props – One of the main props used on the front cover is a bike. This has connotations of a journey which is significant because the artist may have hopes for a journey or may have had one so far that we do not know about. It may show her positive attitude or represent hope for a possible success that she could be riding on her way towards.

Colour – The main colours used is black and white with a bit of red. This could show the contrast between the things that are normal and blend and the significant things where the red represents her passion. For example the red often surrounds the song titles on the back cover, which may be significant because it indicates that the artist has a passion for her music more than the clothes that she wears.

Position – She is not central to the frame, which suggests that she does not value herself too highly. However she is right at the front of the frame and is the biggest thing in it therefore suggesting that she is important and has a big significance within the frame. But she does not want to be too in your face.


Font – The font is in a thick, chunky style used throughout the covers. This may indicate that she is loud and wants to make a statement and be noticed. But not for the conventional popstar types of reasons. However her name is also written in this font suggesting that she is just as important as her music and forms a direct link between herself and her music both of which will make the statement.

Colour – The majority of the font is written in black against a white background. This is significant because it anchors this idea of her standing out from the crowd. This is also shown on the CD cover where her name is written in a lightening bolt suggesting she isn’t afraid to be a bit more feisty and different with her music which reflects the genre well.


The elements communicate the genre in the sense that the artist is not afraid of making a statement and being different, this is shown by the lightening bolt. It differs in the sense that its more aggressive but still reflects the genre. Also the use of black and white to contrast text against is common throughout the genre therefore the elements successfully create this indie idea of the importance of the music and independence.

Target Audience

The target audience will most likely be younger people because the album cover seems rebellious as you see things like policeman hats etc… This indicates that younger people will be attracted to this more out there type of music that makes a statement. One of her songs is called “Knock em’ out.” And this slang style of language will appeal more to younger audiences.

Mode of Address

The artist is looking directly at the audience, which speaks to them straight away. Her body language suggests an attitude, which does not seem very welcoming but for younger people that’s more of a way of saying this is me. The tone/mood of the whole album seems chaotic and disorderly suggesting that the nature of the artist’s music may be unconventional – this fits in well with the indie genre.


The name of the artist is “Lily Allen.” Just by naming her simply fits in well with the indie genre because her name is memorable as it’s a little quirky and she doesn’t hide behind a fake name.

The name of the album is “Alright, Still…” which sounds argumentative and confused. This may appeal to the target audience who perhaps feel a little lost. It may also show that her music doesn’t have a specific direction, which suits the genre of indie music, she is unpredictable.


The inlay is just plain grey with no blurb or text. This may be because the other parts of the CD are covered with lots of chaos and detail and the artist wants some part of it to just be simple and relaxed. Showing that the indie nature of the music is very music at the heart of her music – which is why its inside the case surrounding the actual CD.


Class – The girl is wearing huge, thick, gold earrings with a gold chain and trainers with a dress. This provides a very stereotypical view of a chav - especially since this artist raps within her music. This is then anchored by the image of things like the taxi in the background and the other pieces of jewellery that she is wearing. Her posture and gesture all give off an attitude that reinforces the dominant ideology that lower class people are common chavs with attitude problems.


The chaos creates an enigma because it leaves us trying to work out who the artist really is. It doesn’t provide us with this personal view of her so we have to find it out for ourselves.

How are these ingredients common within the genre/subgenre?

The element of being aggressive and portrayed as a chav is not typical within the genre of indie neither is the sense of chaos. However the artist still has a laid back attitude but more in an aggressive way which is unusual for the genre.

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